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Probiotics reduce mortality and pathology in a standardised AHPND challenge model Probiotics reduce mortality and pathology in a standardised AHPND challenge model

Early mortality syndrome (EMS) is a result of poor management practices in shrimp farming in Vietnam and several other countries.


Lim Shrimp complete phase 1 of the Lim Shrimp complete phase 1 of the "world's largest" sea cucumber farm in China

The company has pledged that the facility will be antibiotic-free, with health maintained by probiotics and “synbiotics”.


Natural strategies to improve growth and health of farmed shrimp Natural strategies to improve growth and health of farmed shrimp

Natural products like probiotics, prebiotics and lipopolysaccharides (LPS) have potential to improve growth and health of farmed shrimp.


Antioxidants and yeast may have a role to play in lowering stress for pigs Antioxidants and yeast may have a role to play in lowering stress for pigs

New findings on the use of probiotic yeast when pigs are stressed at a health conference in Ireland this week, and research looking at the benefits


Enhancing pig immunity with yeast additives Enhancing pig immunity with yeast additives

The addition of probiotic yeast appears to positively affect the piglet immune status, whether supplied in sow feed or in weaner piglet feed.


More studies needed to back up use of antibiotic alternatives in pig diets: review More studies needed to back up use of antibiotic alternatives in pig diets: review

The most commonly used feed additives in pig diets are acidifiers, zinc and copper, prebiotics, probiotics, yeast products, nucleotides, and plant extracts.


Blended feed additives may provide antibiotic alternative for growing cattle Blended feed additives may provide antibiotic alternative for growing cattle

Probiotic feed additives and enzymes support weight gain and feed efficiency for growing cattle, and may provide an alternative to antibiotic use during


Antioxidants and yeast may have a role to play in lowering stress for pigs Antioxidants and yeast may have a role to play in lowering stress for pigs

Lallemand Animal Nutrition released new findings on the use of probiotic yeast when pigs are stressed at a health conference in Ireland this week, and research


Artificial salmon gut developed to ease cost, time in feed trials Artificial salmon gut developed to ease cost, time in feed trials

SalmoSim developed an artificial salmon gut as a way to reduce feeding trial costs and examine prebiotic and probiotic efficacy for the salmon industry.


Helping heat stressed pigs with live yeast Helping heat stressed pigs with live yeast

Preliminary results of a study on heat stress using live probiotic yeast showed increased resistance to heat stress and benefits to feeding behavior


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