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Farmed salmon are as fertile as wild salmon Farmed salmon are as fertile as wild salmon

The sperm from farmed male salmon are just as likely as the sperm of wild salmon to succeed in fertilising wild salmon eggs, experiments have shown. Researchers


Preventing and controlling salmon lice in commercial aquaculture Preventing and controlling salmon lice in commercial aquaculture

A cohort study of commercial salmon farms in Norway explores different prevention and treatment strategies for salmon lice and finds that habituated cleaner


Study suggests farmed salmon spread PRV to wild fish Study suggests farmed salmon spread PRV to wild fish

Piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) – which is associated with kidney and liver damage in Chinook salmon – is transmitted between Atlantic salmon farms and wild


Genetic breakthrough could save farmed salmon from flavobacteriosis Genetic breakthrough could save farmed salmon from flavobacteriosis

Two new genetic markers that indicate greater resistance to a bacterial infection in farmed Atlantic salmon have been identified by a team of aquaculture


Wild salmon pathogens discovered that could pose a threat to aquaculture Wild salmon pathogens discovered that could pose a threat to aquaculture

Three new viruses – including one type that has never previously infected fish – have been identified in populations of both wild and farmed salmon


Could microalgal feeds promote sea lice resistance in salmon? Could microalgal feeds promote sea lice resistance in salmon?

Salmon given feeds containing microalgae are more resistant to sea lice, according to the authors of a new study, although further research is now needed.


Scottish salmon farmer pumps more funds into gill health research Scottish salmon farmer pumps more funds into gill health research

It plans to lead a second applied research project focused on increasing understanding of gill health in farmed salmon, as part of its “prevention over cure”


Research reveals new ways to raise EPA and DHA levels in both salmon and humans Research reveals new ways to raise EPA and DHA levels in both salmon and humans

Diets containing a mixture of plant oil and fish oil can stimulate both salmon and humans to produce their own long chain omega-3 fats


Prices dropping for Norwegian farmed salmon Prices dropping for Norwegian farmed salmon

The price of salmon farmed in Norway is expected to drop next week to between NOK 55 and 56 (USD 2.48 to USD 2.53, EUR 2.11 to EUR 2.15) per kilo for deliveries


PRV doesn't pose risk to wild salmon PRV doesn't pose risk to wild salmon

Piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) has no impact on the respiratory systems of Atlantic salmon, and so is unlikely to affect the health of wild Pacific salmon passing


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