Aquanews 674 Vietnamese seafood enterprises eligible to export to Taiwan (China)

674 Vietnamese seafood enterprises eligible to export to Taiwan (China)

Tác giả Dung Le- Translate by Huyen Huong, ngày đăng 30/09/2020

674 Vietnamese seafood enterprises eligible to export to Taiwan (China)

The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) has just sent a document to Vietnam Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei to announce a list of 674 Vietnamese seafood enterprises meeting the export standard to Taiwan (China), an increase of 36 enterprises compared with October 2019.

(Illustrative photo:SGGP) According to TFDA, this list has been valid since July 10, 2020.

Vietnam's seafood export to Taiwan accounts for 1.4 percent of Vietnam's total seafood export value. 

Taiwan is Vietnam’s the eighth largest importer for shrimp, mainly giant tiger prawn and white-leg shrimp, etc and a potential market of Vietnamese shrimp with diverse tastes and crowded Vietnamese communities.

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