Agrinews Agriculture ministry proposes maintaining sticky rice exports

Agriculture ministry proposes maintaining sticky rice exports

Tác giả VNA, ngày đăng 29/05/2020

Agriculture ministry proposes maintaining sticky rice exports

Hanoi - The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) on April 16 proposed continuing exports of sticky rice harvested from the 2019-2020 winter-spring crop.

Illustrative image (Photo: Internet)

In a document sent to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the MARD requested it provide updates on such exports and market demand as a foundation for any adjustments to sticky rice cultivation areas and output in upcoming crops.

Sticky rice is not listed within the national food reserves under Decree No. 94/2013-ND-CP.

It is primarily cultivated in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam’s “rice bowl”.

In the 2019-2020 winter-spring crop, the rice variety was grown on about 65,000ha and 44,000ha in the Delta’s Long An and An Giang provinces, yielding approximately 258,000 tonnes and 195 tonnes, respectively./

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