Agrinews Bac Giang lychees exported to Australia

Bac Giang lychees exported to Australia

Tác giả Van Thuong, ngày đăng 29/06/2018

Bac Giang lychees exported to Australia

Over 30 tonnes of Luc Ngan lychees have been irradiated for export by Hanoi Irradiation Centre of the Ministry of Science and Technology as of June 14 per request of Rong Do Company Limited, Vietnam Agricare Company Limited and Hanoi based Phong Son Tiem Company Limited, said Dang Quang Thieu, Director of the center. 

The lychees are inspected at Hanoi Irradiation Centre for export to Australia. Photo: Van Phuc.

Irradiation is a method to destroy the reproduction of the microorganism and parasites on the lychee fruits and leaves, reducing the risk of insect infestation in the destination country as well as meeting the requirement of importing the fresh lychee to the Australian market.

Currently, the center is operating one irradiation system with the capability of irradiating dozens of tonnes of lychees, mangoes and other fruits for export.

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