Agrinews Bac Giang plans and produces 50 hectares of lychee to export to Japan

Bac Giang plans and produces 50 hectares of lychee to export to Japan

Tác giả Dai - Huan, ngày đăng 06/04/2020

Bac Giang plans and produces 50 hectares of lychee to export to Japan

The Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Quoc Doanh on February 14 paid a field visit to the lychee production area for export in Luc Ngan district, Bac Giang province.

Luc Ngan district is home to more than 15,000 hectares of lychee, including over 12,000 hectares of lychee cultivated under VietGAP and GlobalGAP procedures. To date, 90 – 95 percent of the early ripen lychee has flowered while the flowering rate of the official lychee reached more than 40 percent.

The district planned and directed to produce 50 hectares of lychee for export to Japanese market as well as supported over 500 million VND (21.500 USD) to the local farmers to buy the plant protection product to care for this area so as to meet the export standard.

After grasping the lychee production for export in Muoi village, Giap Son commune and visiting the orange cultivation area in Ngot village (new style rural village), Hong Giang commune, Deputy Minister Le Quoc Doanh highly spoke of the efforts made by the local authorities to change the economic structure and diversify the fruit trees, especially the joint collaboration with the provincial sectors to early plan the lychee production area for export.

The Deputy Minister urged the district to continue communicating and instructing the farmers to focus on caring and intensively grow the lychee to enhance its quality and value as well as prolong the harvest season.

Regarding the citrus fruits, especially orange, the district should recommend the farmers to avoid mass production. The province and district need to pay more attention to conducting the trade promotion at the domestic markets, expanding the export market, particularly to Japan.

In the upcoming time, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development will assign the competent agencies to strictly cooperate with the provincial and district authorities for specific implementation to ensure the smooth export of the local lychee.

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