Agrinews Dong Thap trains farmers in agricultural economy
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Dong Thap trains farmers in agricultural economy

Tác giả Anh Quan, ngày đăng 08/08/2019

Dong Thap trains farmers in agricultural economy

Chairman of Dong Thap People’s Committee Nguyen Van Duong said that authority in Dong Thap will train farmers in agricultural economy with the goal of sustainable agriculture development.

The People’s Committee of the Mekong delta province of Dong Thap yesterday announced relevant agencies in the province have accelerated agricultural restructuring with the shift towards added value, quality to meet market demand generating positive results.

Statistically, in the first six months of the year, the sector’s agricultural production value was estimated around VND22,700 billion ($971.7 million), a year-on-year increase of more than VND1,200 billion.

Of which, the value of major farming products was estimated over VND13 trillion, or rise of VND642 billion compared to the same period; aquatic farming generated around VND6 trillion, and livestock farming gained nearly VND1,500 billion, up by VND300 billion compared to the same period last year.

Additionally, Dong Thap is the first province in the country to sell mango to the US paving the way for fruit export of the Mekong delta. The province has more than 9,000 hectares of mango varieties with biannual value reaching to VND1,200 billion, rise of VND150 billion compared to the same period last year.

Chairman of Dong Thap People’s Committee Nguyen Van Duong said African Swine Fever has devastated the province causing big losses for breeders and price of rice also dropped. Agricultural production also faced challenges.

Therefore, with the goal of sustainable agriculture development, authority in Dong Thap will train farmers in agricultural economy. This step is expected to enhance the province’s products in fierce market competition.

Presently, the Department of Agriculture and Rural development and competent agencies are assigned to build the training program and plan.

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