Agrinews Founding a forum to facilitate agricultural products supply and demand

Founding a forum to facilitate agricultural products supply and demand

Tác giả Bao Thang. Translated by Linh Linh, ngày đăng 20/10/2021

Founding a forum to facilitate agricultural products supply and demand

Succeeding the positive outcome of Working Group 970's operations, Deputy Minister of MARD Tran Thanh Nam suggested the establishment of a weekly forum connecting agricultural product supply and demand.

Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam proposed establishing a forum to connect agricultural product consumption.

Establishment of a market development forum for agricultural products

On August 9, at a meeting with 19 Southern provinces and cities, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Tran Thanh Nam outlined five urgent tasks for centrally-run provinces and cities.

To begin, the regions must concentrate on developing a value chain that connects farmers, cooperatives, traders, and consuming companies. If the large-scale value chain is maintained, the supply and demand chains will often function properly regardless of the circumstances.

Second, he urged the province, municipal, and local departments of agriculture and rural development to work closely with Working Group 970 to concentrate on directing and linking the value chain in order to facilitate the elimination of obstacles.

Thirdly, the deputy minister lauded the rapid response teams and agricultural association models operating at the commune level in many southern regions that are enforcing Directive 16's social distancing order. Along with helping farmers with agricultural specialties and methods, the teams are capable of assisting and advising farmers about output markets.

MARD's strategy to develop a model of technical economy agriculture extension groups at a lower level aims to promote agricultural output, connectivity, and consumption at the intercommunal and interregional levels.

Additionally, the head of MARD's Working Group 970 is required to continue developing the Steering Committee for agricultural product development. By the end of June 2021, the Deputy Minister had formed five theme working groups to produce yearly programs and plans and to advise on the growth of the agricultural product market in each area.

There are five distinct groups: the Standing Group; the Access and Opening of Agricultural Export Markets; the Trade Promotion Team, which connects production and the agricultural products market; the Agricultural Product Market Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Orientation Team; and the Agricultural Product Market Information and Communication Team.

Under the motto "converting ideas into deeds," the Deputy Minister has requested that the Steering Committee for Agricultural Market Development produce two news bulletins on the global market and production situation in the coming time. Agricultural industry or company executives will have a connecting strategy in place based on the time and location of the raw material regions to be gathered.

A forum for the exchange of information on agricultural consumption

Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam's last request is to create a platform to link agricultural product consumers. "We see from reality that many parties want to continue the functioning of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development's Working Group 970. It is a critical necessity on the part of individuals, cooperatives, and companies ", he brought up the subject.

Nam proposed establishing the forum by establishing four primary focus areas and interacting regularly through the internet. The Deputy Minister's proposal is to use the Vietnam Agriculture Newspaper as a focal point and to be the primary owner of a connecting exchange.

"With a large network of reporters spread throughout the country's regions and cities, Vietnam Agriculture Newspaper is capable of rapidly collecting, disseminating, and linking information," Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam said.

Along with the Vietnam Agriculture Newspaper's central role, Deputy Minister Nam proposed three additional focal points: the Training Center for Economic Consultants - School of Agricultural and Rural Development Managers 2; the Agricultural Trade Promotion Center; and the Center for Rural Development - University of Social Sciences and Humanities.

MARD executives are available to respond to any inquiries and resolve issues through an online platform.

“We have worked closely with all three parties, which include state management agencies, companies, and citizens. That is the foundation for each company to comprehend its own purpose, values, and function in each value chain,” Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam said.

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