Aquanews Hiep Hoa applies hi-tech in intensive fish farming

Hiep Hoa applies hi-tech in intensive fish farming

Tác giả Phuong Nhung, ngày đăng 04/06/2018

Hiep Hoa applies hi-tech in intensive fish farming

The hi-tech intensive fish farming model of “creating the river inside the pond” has been developed in Truong Thanh Livestock Breeding Cooperative (Cooperative) in Danh Thang commune with a scale of 250 square meters under a joint collaboration of Division of Agriculture and Rural Development in Hiep Hoa district and Fishery Division (Department of Agriculture and Rural Development - DARD in Bac Giang province).

The model of “creating the river inside the pond” in Danh Thang commune.

As soon as the model was completed, the Cooperative on May 23 released 30,000 unisex tilapias which are scheduled to yield over 40 tonnes of fish meat after 5 months.

The intensive fish farming model of “creating the river inside the pond” is a new fishery farming technology, helping reduce the fishes’ energy consumption, protect the environment, actively control the water source and diseases as well as targeting at 5 – 6 fold increased productivity compared to the traditional breeding method.

The Cooperative has invested nearly 3 billion VND (131,700 USD) in building 2 cement troughs inside the pond, installing gas aeration equipment, water blower among others.

The model was provided with several supports including one billion VND loan (43,900 USD) from Farmer Support Fund offered by the provincial Farmers’ Association, 200 million VND (8,800 USD) sponsored by DARD, food and equipment totally worth of 170 million VND (7,500 USD) by Hiep Hoa district People’s Committee.

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