Agrinews International cashew conference postponed to late-June

International cashew conference postponed to late-June

Tác giả Cong Phien – Translated by Gia Bao, ngày đăng 28/03/2020

International cashew conference postponed to late-June

The Vietnam Cashew Association (Vinacas) has decided to delay the 12th International Cashew Conference to late-June this year, instead of in early-March this year as previously planned.

Vinacas said that the decision was made due to concerns over the risk of an acute respiratory infection caused by a new strain of the coronavirus, and has received broad consensus of other countries. At the same time, customers and partners from other countries also expressed their desire to participate in the conference when the association holds it again.

Last weekend, Vinacas had a meeting and agreed to postpone the 12th International Cashew Conference to June 28 to 30.

The international cashew conference is an activity in the national trade promotion program held by Vinacas in association with the Trade Promotion Agency, sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. This is also an event to celebrate the 30th anniversary of establishment of the association. The trade promotion event includes a series of activities, such as exhibitions, conferences, and tours to cashew processing plants, and cashew growing areas.

According to the previous registration, more than 350 representatives in the cashew industry from 40 countries and territories all over the world in the fields of supermarket, retail, roasting, packing, processing, and commercializing cashew, will participate in the conference.

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