Agrinews North Tan Uyens collective economy unceasingly improves to rise up

North Tan Uyens collective economy unceasingly improves to rise up

Tác giả Duy Chi-Translated by K.T, ngày đăng 14/05/2019

North Tan Uyens collective economy unceasingly improves to rise up

North Tan Uyen district is changing vigorously. Along with paying attention to investment attraction, industrial-urban and service development, the district has given priority to setting up and developing collective economic forms, creating the foundation for the local rural economic development.

Citrus fruit tree cultivation is one of North Tan Uyen district’s effective cooperation economic models

Diversifying industries

North Tan Uyen is a district with strong points in terms of cultivation and animal husbandry with sci-tech application plus a favorable traffic system. Over the past time, the district gave priority to ecological urban development in line with the local national conditions and existing advantages; continued making new planning towards synchrony, modernity and civilization.

In 2015, after one year of establishment, the district had a total of 11 cooperatives with 72 members and 11 cooperatives. The average profit of district-based cooperatives is more than VND962million per year with the average income of members at VND3million and VND4.5million per person per month. Whilst, district-based cooperation groups reach VND1.48billion in average income per year and VND1.03billion in annual profit. District-based cooperative groups and cooperatives operate in many fields of agriculture, trade-services, home industry…

In Q1, 2019 alone, most of district-based cooperatives worked very effectively. Noticeably, Nhuan Duc Cooperative’s total revenue during the period obtained VND2billion. The average income of laborers herein was VND6.4million per person per month. Tan My Fruit Tree Cooperative obtained VND1.9billion in revenue with the average income of laborers at VND6million per person per month. Whilst, Nhat Hung Cooperative and Toan Luc Cooperative also secured more than VND66.1billion and VND57billion in revenue, respectively…

Nguyen Thanh Tam, Head of the district’s Division of Economic and Planning said that the district’s economic potential, especially in agriculture-services and home industry is very great. The district is encouraging cooperation economic forms to take part in the market by supply chains with quality and origin ensured. To achieve this, district-based cooperatives, cooperative groups will make coherence for better development.

Combining forced needed

It is known that farmers, small and medium-sized enterprises in the district are now passive in terms of consumption market. In the face of the situation, the district organized training courses for cooperatives, especially cooperative groups in trade-services over the past time, helping them reach stable operation. The district also encouraged organizations, individuals to set up cooperatives, cooperative groups in order to ensure the quality and pattern of products and their consumption market…

Innovation to rise up

Tran Thi Minh Hanh, Vice-Chairwoman of North Tan Uyen district’s People’s Committee cum Deputy Head of the district’s Steering Board of Collective Economic Development and Innovation said that regarding the district’s target of collective economic development, cooperative is the core for collective economy towards sustainable and fast development, contributing to promoting the local industrialization, modernization, especially agriculture and rural development. Till 2020, the district’s collective economic sector will hold an important role and position in the local socio-economic development.

To achieve the above target, the district will continue bracing up and creating favorable conditions for organizations and individuals to set up more cooperatives, cooperative groups to be able to fully tap the local potential; boost competitiveness, enhancing the role of cooperation economy in overall development, contributing to the local socio-economic development.

Along with advantages, the district’s collective economy has faced many shortcomings for change. In the coming time, the district’s Steering Board of Collective Economic Development and Innovation will concentrate on correcting activities of the local existing cooperatives; guide newly-established cooperatives to work under the Law on Cooperative 2012…The Steering Board will also conduct relevant units to advise it on issuing support policies in line with the Law on Cooperative 2012 while mobilizing ineffective cooperatives, cooperative groups to change their operational form or dissolve…

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