Agrinews The rise of Ido longan in converted land

The rise of Ido longan in converted land

Tác giả Le Hoang Vu - Ngoc Thang. Translated by Mai Tham, ngày đăng 01/10/2021

The rise of Ido longan in converted land

In recent years, many farmers in Mekong river delta have boldly converted their gardens into growing Ido longan trees to get stable incomes.

Nguyen Van Dung's Ido longan growing model has brought high economic efficiency. Photo: Hoang Vu.

In previous years, farmers growing dimocarpus longan trees in the Mekong Delta encountered a constant attack of longan witches broom disease without any specific treatment and cure. Realizing that Thailand's Ido longan variety not only thrives but also resists longan witches broom disease, many farmers cut down the tree infected with disease and replace them with Ido longan cultivar.

Nguyen Van Dung or Bay Dung in Nhon Phu 1, Nhon Nghia commune, Phong Dien district, Can Tho City was one of the most successful farmers in this conversion. Bay Dung had a 1.4 ha garden planted with green and yellow langsat trees. In the first few years, he reaped more than VND180 million per year in profit but then the prices of langsat dropped dramatically so he thought about converting the garden into growing other crops to suite to the market oriented economy.   

After a lot of researches of what plant and what variety should be planted to avoid slow sales, basing on information from other growers about the advantages of Ido longan variety, since early 2012, he decided to choose Ido longan for alternative. He boldly cut down all langsat trees and bushes in his garden and replaced them with Ido longan trees.

The first time, he grafted 500 Ido longan branches while some of his neighbors still hesitated. Many people were distressed because of longan but Bay Dung wanted to go back to the old way. No matter what others said he was determined to go up with Ido longan. So far, his Ido longan plantation has been well-grown and experienced five harvesting seasons.

Bay Dung said the first year he got over VND50 million in profits, the second year, he profited more than VND 90 million, the profits were higher and higher in the following years.  Especially, in 2020 his family got nearly VND300 million in profits.  Since the beginning of 2021 until now due to the impact of the Covid-19 longan prices have dropped to VND12,000-VND13,000 per kilogram , down by more than half compared to the same period last year, as a result the profits were reduced. Normally, Ido longan prices varied between VND25,000 and VND35,000 per kilogram and sold well.

Bay Dung added the advantages of Ido longan variety are the tree thrives, has less pests and diseases, gives high yield, and especially resists longan witches broom disease. In addition to fertilizing and pest control techniques, he is also proficient in inducing off-season flowering (February, March and April) to gain higher prices by 2-3 times compared to longan of the main crop. With many years of experience, after harvesting fruits, he cuts down the old and odd branches. In the dry season, he covers the roots to keep moisture and water once every three days.

In terms of quality, Ido longan is as delicious as dimocarpus longan.  Ido longan has thick flesh, small seed, less juice and medium sweetness. A mature tree gives 200-300 kilograms of fruits on average; a fruitful bunch of longan can weigh 3 kilograms. To increase incomes, in addition to cultivating longan, Bay Dung took advantage of his land to grow Chinese lemon and ginger in the garden. Ginger alone makes a profit of VND20 million per year while the production of Chinese lemon is 3 tons per year priced at VND4,000-VND11,000 per kilogram.

Tran Thai Nghiem, Deputy Director of Can Tho Department of Agriculture and Rural Development said longan is one of the key crops in Can Tho City, with a total cultivation area of more than 2,000 hectares of which the area of Ido longan accounts for the largest proportion. The area of longan has tended to increase sharply in recent years thank to good exports, especially to the Chinese market.

Recently, Can Tho's agricultural sector has assisted growers with seedlings, planting and caring techniques for growing Ido longan. Many localities in Can Tho have helped farmers link to each other, establish concentrated longan growing areas meeting the standards of VietGAP in association with branding towards sustainable exports.

However, currently due to the Covid-19 many fruit products including longan are facing difficulties in consumption.  The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Can Tho is coordinating with localities to boost the consumption of agricultural products during such a tough time.  

In the first half of 2021, Can Tho City has 23,000 hectares of fruit trees in total, up 9.73% compared to the same period last year. The City is boosting the conversion of inefficient rice land into growing the key fruits such as longan, mangoes, jackfruits and durians.

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