Agrinews Towards the goal of being the national leader in organic agriculture

Towards the goal of being the national leader in organic agriculture

Tác giả Minh Hau - Kim So. Translated by Samuel Pham, ngày đăng 14/09/2021

Towards the goal of being the national leader in organic agriculture

Based on high-tech and smart agriculture, Lam Dong hopes to strongly develop organic agriculture to become the nation’s leading locality in the field.

Lam Dong has a large area of high-tech agricultural production, which is the foundation for organic agriculture development. Photo: Minh Hau.

Develop in accordance with actual conditions

Lam Dong has an agricultural area of about 300,000 hectares with diverse crops and livestock bringing high economic value. The province’s agricultural sector is developing towards comprehensiveness and sustainability.

Lam Dong is currently a leading locality in high-tech agricultural production and smart agriculture development. Regarding safe and organic agriculture, Lam Dong has about 78,000 hectares producing in accordance with VietGAP, GlobalGAP, 4C standards...

“It can be seen that the development of organic agriculture on the basis of high-tech and smart agriculture is very feasible,” assessed Mr. Nguyen Van Chau, Deputy Director of Lam Dong Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Also according to Mr. Nguyen Van Chau, on the market aspect, Lam Dong's organic agricultural products have been exported to European countries, Japan, and Singapore, but not much. For domestic markets, the consumption rate of organic products is still low as consumers have low trust and find it difficult to distinguish between organic products and non-organic products.

The development of organic agriculture is associated with the goal of environmental protection, biodiversity development and contribution to the development of agricultural tourism and services. In particular, the province always encourages citizens not to develop organic agriculture following the mass.

This is an opportunity for the province to develop organic agriculture. Moreover, Lam Dong farmers have good farming skills and can quickly absorb new technologies. They have the habit of using organic fertilizers, biological pesticides, and are concerned about consumers' health, so the organic farming promotion will be a lot easier.

Strive for 90% of organic products with stable output

As shared by Mr. Nguyen Van Chau, Deputy Director of Lam Dong Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the province's goal is to develop sustainable and environmental-friendly organic agriculture with high added value; encourage the production to meet the standards and have the appropriate organic agriculture regional and global certification in order to make Lam Dong a locality leading in agricultural production in the country.

Lam Dong province is also expanding the area, increasing productivity, output and quality of organic products, and at the same time promoting the development of raw material areas combined with the development of the processing industry to create many specific organic products aimed at export markets. 

Lam Dong is implementing a project at present to develop organic agriculture in the 2020-2025 period with the goal of developing an organic farming area of about 1,600 hectares: 250 ha of vegetables, roots and fruits, 200 ha of fruit trees, 150 ha of rice, 200 ha of tea, 400 ha of coffee...

For husbandry, the province aims to achieve the goal of developing an organic dairy herd of 2,000 heads, a herd of beef cattle of 400, and a chicken herd of 20,000. Also at this stage, Lam Dong will implement to achieve the goal that 100% of the production area for cultivation, dairy cows, beef cattle, and chickens raised organically for eggs meets organic standards.

“The province has set a target that 90% of organic agricultural products in the 2020-2025 period will be certified to ensure output, have a stable and sustainable consumption market through signing sales contracts or joining value chains. Furthermore, the whole province aims to have at least 40 organizations and individuals certified for organic production," said Mr. Nguyen Van Chau, Deputy Director of Lam Dong Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

With an area of about 62,000 hectares, high-tech agriculture has made a great contribution to the development of Lam Dong province. According to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, high-tech agriculture currently has an average production value of VND 180 million/ha/year. In particular, the high-tech vegetable area will reach about VND 400 - 500 million/ha/year, flower production will reach VND 800 million to 1.2 billion/ha/year.

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