Agrinews Vietnamese pepper accounts for the largest market share in France

Vietnamese pepper accounts for the largest market share in France

Tác giả Son Trang - Translated by Ha Phuc, ngày đăng 16/11/2021

Vietnamese pepper accounts for the largest market share in France

Vietnamese pepper imported into France increased sharply in volume and value in the first seven months of this year and accounted for more than 37% of the market.

Vietnamese pepper accounts for the largest market share in France. Photo: TL.

According to Eurostat, in the first seven months of 2021, the total pepper volume imported into France reached 7,697 tons, with a total value of EUR 28.65 million (US$ 33.62 million), up 6.2% in volume and up 14.7% in value compared to the first seven months of 2020.

France has increased its imports of pepper from most main suppliers, except for Brazil. In which, the total import volume of Vietnamese pepper reached 2,863 tons, with a total value of EUR 8.18 million (US$ 9.6 million), up 28.6% in volume and 44.3% in value compared to 7 first month of 2020.

As a result, in the first seven months of 2021, Vietnamese pepper's market share in France increased to 37.2% compared to 30.72% in the same period of 2020.

With such market share, Vietnam continues to maintain its position as the largest pepper supplier to France, followed by Germany (17.32%), Indonesia (13.57%), Brazil (9.98%).

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