Plant Why lettuce is useful

Why lettuce is useful

Tác giả Home Gardening, ngày đăng 08/07/2017

Why lettuce is useful

Lettuce vegetables like lettuce, which belongs to the family of salads. It has long been known in European countries, but only in recent years has enjoyed great popularity in our country. Lettuce is characterized by great taste, low in calories and vitamins.

Lettuce is a good source of folic acid, but also contains small amounts of vitamin C. Foreign darkest leaves are rich in beta carotene. The amount of vitamins E and K in this vegetable is more than any other. Lettuce contains more calcium, vitamins B and PP.

Lettuce commonly used as the main ingredient in the salad “Caesar”. It can be combined very well with a variety of products. It may be consumed with olive oil and vinegar.

It contains about 90% water, which means it is fairly low-calorie.

Regular consumption reduces the risk of some cancers (especially of the stomach), reduces the risk of developing anemia and cardiovascular diseases. It is recommended to be inserted in the menu for pregnant women.

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