
Can probiotics solve aquaculture’s water pollution issues?
Can probiotics solve aquaculture’s water pollution issues?

Multiple studies have shown that bacillus probiotics can help aquaculture producers improve fish health and performance – but can probiotics help address water

Warning of organic pollutants from aquaculture
Warning of organic pollutants from aquaculture

The stocking areas of farm-raised shrimps have reached 708,436 ha, equal to 102% of the same period last year. The white leg shrimp farming area

Microplastics linked to gill health issues
Microplastics linked to gill health issues

Fish that are subjected to chronic exposure to microplastic fibres suffer from issues including aneurysms and gill damage, according to a new study.

Pond-cultivated algae: Slimy superhero for aquafeeds?
Pond-cultivated algae: Slimy superhero for aquafeeds?

A key to solving the omega-3 bottleneck for aquaculture feeds could lie at the bottom of a pond, in the desert.

To protect sensitive habitat, oyster farms turn to high-tech tools
To protect sensitive habitat, oyster farms turn to high-tech tools

A three-year study using drone cameras is now underway to track interactions between oyster farming and eelgrass beds.

Canada invests in ‘clean-tech’ aquaculture
Canada invests in ‘clean-tech’ aquaculture

A handful of aquaculture companies in British Columbia are upgrading their equipment to make their businesses cleaner, more sustainable

Is the aquaculture of invasive and non-native species worth the risk?
Is the aquaculture of invasive and non-native species worth the risk?

Following a recent report from the FAO on the threats posed by the production of invasive (potentially non-native) species in aquaculture

Marine pests
Marine pests

A marine pest is a non-native marine plant or animal that harm Australia’s marine environment, social amenity or industries that use the marine environment

Can salmon farming cope with climate change?
Can salmon farming cope with climate change?

Researchers have evaluated how climate change could affect Norwegian salmon farming over the next 50 years.

Toxicity of chemical substances in aquaculture
Toxicity of chemical substances in aquaculture

The dictionary definition of toxicity is “the quality, relative degree, or specific degree of a substance being toxic” and toxic is further defined

Microbial activity assessment based on hydrogen peroxide decomposition rates
Microbial activity assessment based on hydrogen peroxide decomposition rates

Microbial water quality assessment has the potential to provide insights into the temporal and spatial dynamics of bacterial communities within aquaculture

Salinity in aquaculture, Part 1
Salinity in aquaculture, Part 1

Those involved in shrimp farming and other kinds of coastal aquaculture recognize salinity as an environmental factor of importance

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