Salinity in aquaculture, Part 1
Those involved in shrimp farming and other kinds of coastal aquaculture recognize salinity as an environmental factor of importance
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The blue dimensions of aquaculture
Aquaculture has been responsible for the growth in supply of fish for human consumption. In order to meet the demand for food for a growing global population

Shrimp pond preparation crucial for production, disease prevention
Ponds accumulate soil particles eroded from earthwork and organic matter originating from dead plankton, uneaten feed and feces.

Global area estimate for marine aquaculture development
Currently, 112 countries and territories produce seafood in the marine environment, with earnings reaching $65.4 billion in 2013 from the mariculture sector

Advancing the ecosystem services of aquaculture
To their surprise, they found the new seaweed farms seemed to be helping the fish and spiny lobsters in the area, further supporting the notion that aquaculture

Thoughts on pond fertilization
Pond fertilization is important to increase primary productivity in extensive culture ponds and enhance the base of the food web for aquaculture animals

Importance of aeration intensity for nitrification in biofilms in intensive biofloc systems
The benefits of incorporating biofilm into the production system include improving water quality, availability of supplementary food and prevention of diseases

Seaweed farming could help battle climate change
Researchers say harvesting algae could be a powerful tool for sequestering carbon.

How poultry byproducts can help reduce aquaculture’s environmental footprint
Using poultry-based ingredients instead of fish meal ad fish oil in aquafeeds could help to substantially lower the aquaculture sector’s environmental footprint

Integrated utilization of microalgae grown in aquaculture wastewater
The global growth of fish farming has resulted in serious concerns regarding environmental pollution related to the aquaculture wastewater and over-exploitation

What Is the Environmental Impact of Aquaculture?
The environmental impact of aquaculture is completely dependent upon the species being farmed, the intensity of production and the location of the farm

How RAS farming can alleviate environmental pressure in East Africa
The development of a sustainable aquaculture sector can play an important role in providing livelihoods for people living around Lake Victoria
Tin nông nghiệp

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Chuyển đổi số trong nông nghiệp
Việt Nam là một quốc gia có nền Nông nghiệp lâu đời và có tiềm năng phát triển mạnh. Đồng thời, Nông nghiệp cũng đóng vai trò trong sự phát triển kinh…

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Chuối, sầu riêng tăng giá mạnh
Giá chuối, sầu riêng tại các nhà vườn đang tăng 20-100% so với cách đây hai tháng nhờ "rộng cửa" sang Trung Quốc.
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Giá trái cây, giá xoài, giá chuối, giá bưởi, giá mít tại An Giang ngày 18-03-2025