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Highlands need macadamia study Highlands need macadamia study

The Central Highlands provinces have good potential for growing macadamia, but more studies are needed to grow the nut


Vietnam back to mulling macadamia nuts as cash crop Vietnam back to mulling macadamia nuts as cash crop

The Vietnam Macadamia Association has recommended once again that more farmers cultivate macadamia nuts as an alternative agriculture cash crop


Farmers warned: Don’t go nuts over macadamia Farmers warned: Don’t go nuts over macadamia

For farmers in the Central Highlands, growing macadamia nuts has not turned out to be the money-spinner they had expected.


Macadamia nuts ripe for billion-dollar expansion Macadamia nuts ripe for billion-dollar expansion

Vietnam wants to earn around $1 billion from growing macadamia by 2030, and although some plantations have achieved partnerships with domestic buyers


Central Highlands urged to ensure macadamia expansion efficiency Central Highlands urged to ensure macadamia expansion efficiency

Further studies should be carried out on land, climate, cultivating techniques, and seedlings before macadamia are put into large-scale cultivation


Macadamia intercropping, solution for coffee trees during difficult period Macadamia intercropping, solution for coffee trees during difficult period

Many coffee farmers are experiencing difficult situation. However, there are still households smoothly overcoming this difficult period thanks to macadamia


Vietnam to rapidly expand macadamia farms as demand rises Vietnam to rapidly expand macadamia farms as demand rises

Vietnam is seeking to expand its macadamia farming area fivefold to 50,000 hectares (123,553 acres) over the next five years, aiming to make the nuts one


Kon Tum Province eyes sustainable development of macadamia farming Kon Tum Province eyes sustainable development of macadamia farming

As an ideal location for tropical trees that require high humidity, the Central Highlands province of Kon Tum plans to cultivate macadamia trees on 1000ha


LienVietPostBank funds macadamia growing in Lam Dong LienVietPostBank funds macadamia growing in Lam Dong

Each farmer household in Lam Ha district, the Central Highlands province of Lam Dong, can borrow between 50-80 million VND (2,200 – 3,500 USD) from LienVietPost


Quang Tri seeks to develop macadamia farming Quang Tri seeks to develop macadamia farming

The Lien Viet Post Joint Stock Commercial Bank (LienVietPostBank) will give central Quang Tri province a credit package worth 500 billion VND (22 million USD)


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