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Bình Thuận to expand dragonfruit VietGAP areas Bình Thuận to expand dragonfruit VietGAP areas

The central province of Bình Thuận, which has more than 9,500 ha of dragon fruit cultivated under VietGAP standards, plans to expand the area to 9,800ha


Binh Thuan: Over 30 percent of dragonfruit land under VietGap Binh Thuan: Over 30 percent of dragonfruit land under VietGap

Since the start of this year, more than 10,000 ha of dragonfruit in the south central coastal province of Binh Thuan has been grown under VietGap standards


Vietnamese dragonfruit needs to find new export markets: Experts Vietnamese dragonfruit needs to find new export markets: Experts

In the first 11 months of this year dragonfruit exports fell by 10 per cent because of the COVID-19 pandemic but still dominated Vietnamese fruit exports


Chinese businesses control dragonfruit collection units in Vietnam Chinese businesses control dragonfruit collection units in Vietnam

The white-flesh and red-flesh dragon fruit areas in Binh Thuan and Long An provinces are being controlled by Chinese businesses who have come to Vietnam to set


Vietnam first in line to export rambutans to New Zealand Vietnam first in line to export rambutans to New Zealand

Rambutan will become the third fruit Vietnam exports to New Zealand after dragonfruit in 2014 and mango in 2011.
