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Reason for export seafood returns Reason for export seafood returns

Recently, Vietnam seafood exports have been warned and even returned by key markets such as the EU market, the US, Japan, Australia and Brazil.


Remove 'bottlenecks' for export seafood Remove 'bottlenecks' for export seafood

To open the door to export seafood, one of the bottlenecks that businesses are interested in the beginning of 2019 is to remove the "yellow card" of exported


Expanding the E-cert grant for exporting seafood Expanding the E-cert grant for exporting seafood

After nearly 10 months of pilot issue of E-cert for exporting seafood shipments under the National Single Window


VASEP's General Secretary: Surprised with seafood export results VASEP's General Secretary: Surprised with seafood export results

The difficulties caused by Covid-19 have led to concerns about not meeting the plan to export seafood. But, in 2021, the seafood industry has unexpected results


Three key markets of Vietnam export seafood Three key markets of Vietnam export seafood

EU, USA and Asia have been determined as three key export markets of Vietnam seafood enterprises in the first half year of 2018.


Need to build brand for export seafood Need to build brand for export seafood

According to the seafood enterprises, in 2018, there are some factors that continue to affect by actually stopping seafood exports, such as the US catfish


How to export seafood to reach 10 billion USD this year? How to export seafood to reach 10 billion USD this year?

Not the target of about 9 billion USD as set out from the beginning of the year, to the present time, the business community and the whole seafood industry


Seafood firms struggle in local market Seafood firms struggle in local market

Vietnamese firms export seafood even to tough markets such as the EU, the US and Japan but are unable to sell their products at home.


Enterprises have signed many contracts hence the shrimp prices are rising Enterprises have signed many contracts hence the shrimp prices are rising

Enterprises processing export seafood enterprises have signed lots of export contracts, so it leads to increasing demand for using material for processing
