Plant What Dangers Lie In Tempting Strawberries?

What Dangers Lie In Tempting Strawberries?

Tác giả HomeGardening, ngày đăng 16/05/2017

What Dangers Lie In Tempting Strawberries?

Strawberries can be purchased year round. And this fact took the joy of expectation of small and tempting fruits.

First strawberries in stores appeared shortly before February 14. Strawberries were sold in the markets from late May to early June, the most. And therefore the strawberries were not only much anticipated but terribly tasty.

Today, in this small fruit lurking great dangers. We’ll start most obvious, and then we will look strawberries “under the microscope”.

If you look at the labels in stores, it will become clear that strawberries have traveled hundreds and sometimes thousands of kilometers. And yet they look as if they have just picked

First – logically can’t help but reach the conclusion that there is something rotten in the strawberries sold in February. These strawberries almost identical fruits are full of pesticides. Ten days ago ranked strawberries in ‘dirty ten “of fruits and vegetables with the most pesticides. Besides pesticides, shiny berries are processed further to withstand the journey from Greece or Spain.

As attractive look refrain and do not buy strawberries out of season, which ripens at home.

The truth is that we know almost everything about how delicious strawberries. We are aware of the benefits of this sweet fruit. But few are those who know what a terrible secret lies beneath the green leaves of strawberries. A secret that looks like eggs of worms or worms and protozoa (single-celled organisms).

CAUTION – strawberries!

The following lines are not meant to scare you or manipulated in some way. This is information that you should consider, and which in no case should you disclaims beneficial strawberries. All that targets this information is to be more careful and responsible with your choice.

strawberry pests

1. Aphids

This scourge for all orchards not bypassed and strawberries. Aphids suck the sap from the stems and leaves, and therefore not ripen fruit. In addition to direct damage to the plant leaf aphid transmitted and some viral diseases.

2. Caterpillars

Another enemy – these are caterpillars. They chew everything in its path. To control sprouts Gardeners use different chemicals abuse which is very harmful to human health. Therefore it is better not to give strawberries babies and young children.

3. Bugs

Yes, you read correctly – there are bugs that are a real nuisance in agriculture. Gardening is very difficult to get rid of them because they lay thousands of eggs.

4. Flower thrips

Strawberries supermarkets are filled with thrips. If you have a friend who works in a department store, he certainly will confirm that what you see on the stand has nothing to do with what is in the warehouse. These harmful insects mass infected fruits. Although it is relatively easy to clear, there could ever happen any thrips fall in your mouth.

5. Red mite

This insect is not subscribed for strawberries. The red mite is a mass plague in the gardens. And to get rid of it, not sparing farmers means that under no circumstances are safe for people.

Before you buy strawberries!

1. They say that once planted, and as ripe strawberries, it takes about 50 days. It’s not so much. You can grow them yourself if where. Even several strawberry jams from the balcony will seem much sweeter than weight that you ate from the store.

2. They must be uniformly dark-red color, without spots. The size does not matter. As a rule, the giant fruit is an indicator for the presence of chemicals.

3. If the strawberries with the same size, the touch is hard, smooth and rubber, they are full of nitrates. Do not give your money to poison!

4. The main criterion – the aroma! The more distance smells the strawberries, the better for you. If you now go to the store and pick up a plate with strawberries, you will need a lot of effort and feel the fragrance. And no, it will not appear if you stood a little in you. So – think before you buy!

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