
SA apples: all set for healthy growth
SA apples: all set for healthy growth

By embracing new technology to ensure a greater yield and utilising resources efficiently, South African apple producers can look forward to a bright future.

Growing potatoes with nature
Growing potatoes with nature

Producing potatoes biologically requires patience. But, as farmer Jan Genis explained to Jay Ferreira, this holistic and sustainable method improves soil health

Growing Potatoes – New Potatoes for Christmas
Growing Potatoes – New Potatoes for Christmas

I have heard of all sorts of methods of growing and producing new potatoes for Christmas, but in most cases they are simply potatoes dug at the normal time

Ensuring optimal greenhouse irrigation
Ensuring optimal greenhouse irrigation

Irrigating in the correct quantities and at the right frequency are key to greater production in a hydroponic greenhouse system.

Table grape farmer’s success
Table grape farmer’s success

Hannes du Toit, who successfully manipulated the tricky and relatively new Sugrasixteen grape variety to produce a good quality, high yield crop with big berry

Direct seeding for onions
Direct seeding for onions

Onions have triggers which influence bulbing and bolting, and it’s important to understand these to avoid pitfalls and get the most out of a particular variety.

Why cabbage should be your first choice
Why cabbage should be your first choice

There’s nothing worse than not having success with your first crop, so choose one that is cheap and easy to grow. In other words, choose cabbage.

The Secret To Wildly Increasing Cucumber Yields
The Secret To Wildly Increasing Cucumber Yields

As anyone who’s tried to grow a member of the cucurbit family (which includes melons, squashes and cucumbers) knows

Blight can make a bean crop worthless
Blight can make a bean crop worthless

Last week I mentioned that halo blight thrives in cooler conditions and spreads very rapidly in wet ones.

Soil pH – the cure for clubroot in cabbages
Soil pH – the cure for clubroot in cabbages

Clubroot really is a revolting disease -that’s literally the reaction of any farmer who pulls out a sickly-looking plant and sees what the root system

10 Edible Weeds Likely Growing in Your Yard
10 Edible Weeds Likely Growing in Your Yard

You work so hard on your vegetable garden, primping and pruning to the point of exhaustion each spring. One of the biggest chores, of course, is weeding

Conquer cauliflower mosaic virus
Conquer cauliflower mosaic virus

Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) is a very destructive cruciferous crop disease that usually occurs unexpectedly. In most cases, by the time farmers notice it it

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