Cropped: How to Grow Cold-Hardy Wine Grapes
Growing wine grapes remained a dream for cold climate farmers until amateur botanist Elmer Swenson turned viticulture upside down in the 1970s

So Shady: 10 Crops That Can Be Grown Without a Lot of…
Okay, raise your hand: How many of you would like to grow more food at home? Now, how many of you have at least six hours of direct sun in your yard?

Plant These 10 Perennial Vegetables and Reap Harvests Year After Year
Growing annual vegetables is a lot of work. The tremendous labor of preparing the soil is followed by a few short months of weeding, holding insects and disease

The Healing Garden: How to Grow 7 Medicinal Herbs at Home
Herbal remedies have become nearly as ubiquitous as aspirin. What drugstore these days doesn’t carry echinacea and gingko alongside Tums and Tylenol?

Cropped: How to Grow Cider Apples
America is tossing back hard cider like a sailor on shore leave. Indeed, domestic sales of the gluten-free booze have nearly tripled since 2012

How to Plant a Food Forest This Winter
Forest gardening has been the standard for millennia in many tropical regions, but it’s possible in more temperate climes as well.

Cropped: Blackberries
Once troublesome for growers, these tasty brambles have been tamed as new, improved varieties hit the market.

Cropped: How to Grow Microgreens
Easy to start from seed. Ready for harvest in a mere two to four weeks. Able to thrive indoors when temperatures drop.

Cropped: How to Grow Lovage
Most growers sell the leaves fresh, in small bunches, but dried leaves will appeal to purveyors of teas and medicinal tinctures

How to Grow Your Own Tomatoes, Part 6: Saving Seeds
If you plan to save seed from more than one variety, be sure to label seeds clearly throughout the process. How to Grow Your Own Tomatoes, Part 6: Saving Seeds

How to Grow Your Own Tomatoes, Part 5: Harvesting
Within two months of plunking tomato seedlings in the ground, the fruit should be filling out and starting to turn color.

How to Grow Your Own Tomatoes Part 4: Disease Prevention
Tomatoes are prone to a laundry list of diseases, including viral, bacterial and fungal assailants. Growers in the eastern half of the continent are almost sure

How to Grow Your Own Tomatoes, Part 3: Staking, Training and Pruning
Tomato beds have an unfair reputation as the messiest, ugliest, most disease-ridden parts of a vegetable garden. To keep them from devolving to this sorry state