
15 of the Best Common Organic Fertilizers
15 of the Best Common Organic Fertilizers

Understanding the common organic fertilizers available is as simple as knowing what each offers your soil and how “available” (easily accessed) those offerings

What You Need to Know About the Bee Balm Plant
What You Need to Know About the Bee Balm Plant

Bee balm, which is also known as Oswego tea, horsemint and bergamot, is a versatile perennial plant that can add color and beauty to any garden.

Best Patio Tomato Varieties
Best Patio Tomato Varieties

If you only have room to grow a few plants in containers, it is important to choose those plants wisely. Tomatoes are a great choice for patio gardens.

How to grow a three sisters garden
How to grow a three sisters garden

A three sisters garden consists of corn, beans and some type of gourd ( squash, pumpkin, melon) that are interplanted

The three sisters: corn, beans and squash
The three sisters: corn, beans and squash

Corn, beans, and squash are called the “three sisters.” Native Americans always inter-planted this trio because they thrive together

Cherry: Berry or Fruit?
Cherry: Berry or Fruit?

If the question of whether a cherry is a fruit or a berry is keeping you up at night, you’ve come to the right place.

Guide to Growing Early Girl Tomatoes
Guide to Growing Early Girl Tomatoes

Early Girl tomatoes are an extremely popular variety that is one of the most common supermarket and backyard garden varieties in the U.S. This indeterminate

Growing Figs
Growing Figs

Fig trees are an often-overlooked backyard tree that produces very tasty, high-nutrition fruits. In many parts of the world, figs are a staple food.

How To Freeze Tomatoes: The Go-To Guide to Freezing Your Tomato Harvest
How To Freeze Tomatoes: The Go-To Guide to Freezing Your Tomato Harvest

Frozen tomatoes retain their color and a large proportion of their nutrients. However, their texture becomes mushy, though they can still be used in cooking.

How to Grow Verbena
How to Grow Verbena

Verbena is a must-have plant for every garden because of its tendency to bloom from spring to fall with very little maintenance.

Troubleshooting Tomato Problems
Troubleshooting Tomato Problems

There is no better feeling in the world than walking into your own garden and picking a big, red, juicy tomato off of the vine. Slicing into the gorgeous fruit

Tomato Growing Problems From Improper Watering
Tomato Growing Problems From Improper Watering

Probably the single most common mistake made by gardeners growing tomatoes involves watering them. Sometimes it’s too much, other times it’s not enough

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