European project set to improve hen welfare
A European-wide project to improve the conditions of egg-laying chickens was launched Oct. 4 under the umbrella of the ChickenStress European Training Network
- Black soldier fly tech aims to simplify, specialize production
- Ambitious, $10m grant to transform poultry nutrition, water use
- US, Pakistani researchers team up to design antibiotic-free poultry support
- Antimicrobial resistance intensifies in low-, middle-income countries
- Understanding salmonella entryways in poultry may improve interventions
- Is inflammation control key to antibiotic-free poultry?
- Black UV light may improve poultry house air quality
- Broilers, turkey see fewer antimicrobials at hatch, in feed

Post-hatch feed and broiler performance
The first seven days of life are increasingly important as broilers reach slaughter weight at an ever younger age.

Novel technology to target resistant pathogens in poultry
A new treatment to control the spread of antibiotic-resistant pathogens in poultry will be developed by researchers in the U.K. and China

Many backyard poultry enthusiasts not following proper hygiene
Passive surveillance project uncovered presence of certain worrisome pathogens in backyard raises concerns for poultry health specialists.

Low vitamin D levels? Shine a black light on some chickens
A lack of vitamin D is very common, despite the vitamin being present in eggs, some dairy products, and even sunlight at least

Genealogy of important broiler ancestor revealed
Further analyses may reveal more about importance of genetic drift and selection in closed populations.

Strategy to reduce the immunotoxic effects of aflatoxins in broiler chicks
Diet supplementation with mannanoligosaccharide (MOS) improved immunological responses and increased humoral immunity in aflatoxin-challenge broilers,

Marek's disease genome study may aid control in poultry
Study illustrates how easily virulent Marek's disease viruses can persist and spread, but new strains do not appear to be more virulent than older stains.

Brazilian ginseng may boost poultry feed efficiency, egg shelf life
Supplementing sorghum-based quail diets with Brazilian ginseng may improve bird feed efficiency and lengthen the shelf life of eggs, say researchers.

Perinatal imprinting in poultry benefits performance
Mounting evidence shows that what chicks are fed around the time of hatching influences a bird’s performance and its nutrient requirement in later life.

Ducks require more choline than broilers
Choline dietary specifications for broilers are lower, indicating once more that ducks should not be treated as broilers in terms of feed formulation.

Water can be the hidden problem in poor broiler performance
Drinking water for poultry flocks can be a hidden and under-diagnosed problem in poor flock performance.

Nematodes: not all bad
It may surprise many farmers that not all nematodes (eelworms) are harmful to crops.