Plant Construction for growing cucumbers

Construction for growing cucumbers

Tác giả HomeGardening, ngày đăng 20/05/2017

Construction for growing cucumbers

This is my favorite building in the garden. When everyone is surprised how many cucumbers I collect, and ask how many they are planted, I answer coldly – nine – and I’m waiting for a reaction.

Yes, only 9 seeds, but from mid-June to mid-September, the harvest is going on. At least 6-7 buckets of selected cucumbers for the summer. And more and do not! In addition, it is beautiful, convenient to take care of, and cucumbers are always dry and clean.

First, the old slate of the standard size 170 * 110 cm was dug long side by side. Cut 60 cm, leaving 110 cm above the ground. The cube was a little more than a meter. To slate held vertically and it would not burst with a mass of earth, in two places the strapping was made with steel wire.

In the spring, as soon as the ground thawed, began to fill the cube: first poured a pillow of sand 50 cm high, then put the film, and on it a layer of 30 cm of fresh manure and compost mixed. This furnace, trapping, manure gives off heat and heats from below. Then 25 cm of well-brewed compost in half with the garden ground. They poured 3 buckets of hot water with potassium permanganate. Then we cover everything with black lutrasil. In general, you can make and fill the cube in late autumn, only cover it with a film so that the food is not washed out from the top layer.

The edge of the cube is “softened” with the old polyethylene in several layers so that the whips do not cut.

I sow seeds right into the ground already in the middle of April (for a guarantee, you can sow a reserve of 5-7 seeds somewhere in the corner, in case they do not ascend). I make incisions in loutrasila, wrap the corners in and saw. I put the low arc with a calculation so that they can be pulled out and enlarged the arch. Immediately I cover the cube with 2 layers of lutrasil and 2 layers of thin film, fixing this blanket with a simple rubber band. Seeds do not sow everything, but only 6 pieces, the rear row while I fill seedlings with a tomato, on sowing. Then, in the middle of May, the stock fatty seedlings of tomatoes will go to their greenhouse, and in its place, I will sow three more seeds or transplant those cucumbers that have risen in the corner.  This is for a late harvest. While the cucumbers do not germinate – I do not remove the film, and then I take off for a day, to water the rain. It can not be removed for a long time, it’s moist and warm in the cube. It’s cucumbers by nature. By the time the whip grows sufficiently, the threat of frost will disappear, the plants can be released for free swimming, covering only for the night with lutrasil. And soon it will not be necessary: the bottom and top warm, the main thing – do not forget about watering.

This is for a late harvest. While the cucumbers do not germinate – I do not remove the film, and then I take off for a day, to water the rain. It can not be removed for a long time, it’s moist and warm in the cube. It’s cucumbers by nature. By the time the whip grows sufficiently, the threat of frost will disappear, the plants can be released for free swimming, covering only for the night with lutrasil. And soon it will not be necessary: the bottom and top warm, the main thing – do not forget about watering.

It is very convenient to collect cucumbers – they hang clean and are clearly visible. When the whips come to earth, I pinch it. In mid-August I start again for the night lutrasilom cover the whole mountain, otherwise, the growth of cucumbers will slow down. And in September I make an audit and leave the most fruit-bearing shoots, which I lift up and put inside the cube, closing as spring. It is better to sow 2-3 proven varieties, the harvest is more.

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