
Formulate prepartum dairy rations to the proper DCAD level
Formulate prepartum dairy rations to the proper DCAD level

Feeding a ration with negative dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) of -8 to -12 meg/100g ration dry matter for the last 3 weeks prior to calving

Improving dairy cow performance with fiber-degrading enzymes
Improving dairy cow performance with fiber-degrading enzymes

Feed costs represent the highest expense to dairy producers. As a consequence, maximizing utilization of nutrients is essential to the profitability

How to properly assess dairy cow trace mineral status
How to properly assess dairy cow trace mineral status

Mineral profiling is often used to assess deficiencies and/or toxicities — as well to evaluate different dietary trace mineral sources and to investigate under

Fiber-degrading enzymes increase dairy cow milk production
Fiber-degrading enzymes increase dairy cow milk production

Literature review examines experiments where dairy cows benefitted from various enzyme combinations, doses

Microalgae: Not too much in dairy cow diets
Microalgae: Not too much in dairy cow diets

Microalgae can be used as an animal feed source. But the applications in cattle feed are still limited. Some studies done looked at the inclusion rates

Crude glycerin as substitute for antibiotics in cattle diets
Crude glycerin as substitute for antibiotics in cattle diets

Adding crude glycerin may boost rumen fermentation and support cattle production in place of antibiotics, say researchers

Optimize water intake for horses this summer
Optimize water intake for horses this summer

Excessive summertime heat has rolled into much of the U.S., making it paramount that equine owners optimize their horse’s water intake to ensure animal

US researcher tracks alternative preventatives for cattle liver disease
US researcher tracks alternative preventatives for cattle liver disease

Methods based on dietary adjustments, essential oils and vaccination may provide possible alternatives to the continued use of antibiotics to address

Canada sees multiple pathways to sustainable beef
Canada sees multiple pathways to sustainable beef

Technology, third-party audits, multiple stakeholders and financial incentive are all elements playing a role in developing a sustainable beef industry

Lallemand optimizing rumen efficiency measuring tools
Lallemand optimizing rumen efficiency measuring tools

It is now in the process of generating mobile app versions of its rumen efficiency investigation (REI) audit tool for both the dairy and beef sectors

Earlier detection focus for tackling livestock disease
Earlier detection focus for tackling livestock disease

New Zealand researchers looking at potential for applying new techniques being developed for TB to other "hard to detect" infections.

Boosting early calf nutrition may yield significantly more milk
Boosting early calf nutrition may yield significantly more milk

Purina says its calf nutrition program, Ampli-Calf, may support additional milk production for dairy cows through the third lactation.

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