
Heat-stressed dairy cows may see some benefits from yeast supplements
Heat-stressed dairy cows may see some benefits from yeast supplements

Supplementing heat-stressed dairy cows with yeast cultures may improve feed efficiency and reduce body temperatures, say researchers.

How to raise Boer Goat kids
How to raise Boer Goat kids

Boer Goat kids demand care and management for the first few weeks after birth. If you fail to look after them properly during this important stage

How to select a top-performing beef cow
How to select a top-performing beef cow

In the first article of this two-part series, he addresses the selection criteria for a successful beef breeding cow.

Feed efficient cows may use less energy in the rumen epithelium
Feed efficient cows may use less energy in the rumen epithelium

Cows considered more feed efficient, or that have a lower residual feed intake may use less energy in the ruminal tissue, say researchers.

Research Reveals Current Cattle Injections Increase Risk of Injury
Research Reveals Current Cattle Injections Increase Risk of Injury

Research by experts at The University of Nottingham suggests that current injection techniques in UK dairy cattle need to change to avoid the risk of nerve

Danish team show benefits of barley substitution with glycerol in dairy feed
Danish team show benefits of barley substitution with glycerol in dairy feed

Glycerol, as an energy feed, can substitute barley up to 12% of dietary DM for dairy cows in mid or late lactation without affecting milk quality,

Health: First things first
Health: First things first

A systematic approach is therefore needed to improve the health status. With a few simple measures, big steps can be made.

Decreasing metabolic diseases for transition cows
Decreasing metabolic diseases for transition cows

A multifactorial approach is needed overcome metabolic issues during the transition phase. Important is to aim to decrease immunosuppression

6 fiber insights for formulating livestock feed
6 fiber insights for formulating livestock feed

Conclusions from my recent participation in a think-tank on modern fiber nutrition. 6 fiber insights for formulating livestock feed

Estimating exposure to mycotoxins in dairy cattle
Estimating exposure to mycotoxins in dairy cattle

Some mycotoxins have been shown to cause lactic acid to buildup when ingested by dairy cattle, which can result in sub-acute ruminal acidosis.

Study to examine how cow's nutrition influences calf's brain, fertility
Study to examine how cow's nutrition influences calf's brain, fertility

Five-year, $400,000 grant to support Montana State University research on development of blood-brain barrier in calves.

Better milk, better cheese from veld-reared goats
Better milk, better cheese from veld-reared goats

Award-winning goat’s cheese and milk producer, Christo Venter, believes A-grade goat’s milk is needed to produce cheese of distinction.

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