
Feed Efficiency Indicators for Responsible Aquaculture
Feed Efficiency Indicators for Responsible Aquaculture

Environmentally responsible, profitable aquaculture has its foundation in efficient resource use. Feed usually is the most costly item in aquaculture production

Lake, Reservoir Characteristics Affect Cage Culture Potential
Lake, Reservoir Characteristics Affect Cage Culture Potential

Factors that include area, volume and flushing rates interact to affect water quality in lakes and reservoirs.

Dissolved-Oxygen Requirements In Aquatic Animal Respiration
Dissolved-Oxygen Requirements In Aquatic Animal Respiration

In aquatic animals, blood hemo-globin unloads oxygen to the tissue fluids. Coldwater species have higher dissolved-oxygen concentration requirements

Drying, Liming, Other Treatments Disinfect Pond Bottoms
Drying, Liming, Other Treatments Disinfect Pond Bottoms

Drying pond bottoms between cycles is the first step toward disinfection. Puddles and wet areas should receive lime or another effective treatment to eliminate

Embodied Resource Use In Feed-Based Aquaculture
Embodied Resource Use In Feed-Based Aquaculture

In life cycle analysis of aquaculture, there is a danger of the entire array of embodied resources and impacts being assigned to the production facility

Interpretation of Water Analysis Reports for Fish Culture
Interpretation of Water Analysis Reports for Fish Culture

Some aquaculture producers and pond owners choose to submit water samples to a water quality labora-tory for analysis.

Fertilization of Fish Ponds
Fertilization of Fish Ponds

When ponds are fertilized, nutri-ents stimulate the growth of microscopic plants in the water (phytoplankton). Phytoplankton is food for other organisms

Characterization and Management of Effluents from Aquaculture Ponds in the Southeastern US
Characterization and Management of Effluents from Aquaculture Ponds in the Southeastern US

Nearly all commercial aquaculture in the southeastern United States is conducted in earthen ponds. Good production from ponds is encouraged by using

Light Penetration in Water
Light Penetration in Water

The depth of the photic zone, the layer of water receiving 1% or more of incident light, can be estimated with Secchi disk visibility.

Water Temperature in Aquaculture
Water Temperature in Aquaculture

Aquaculture ponds should not be deeper than about 2.0 m to minimize the probability of thermal stratification.

Mechanical Water Circulation Aids Pond Water Quality
Mechanical Water Circulation Aids Pond Water Quality

Mechanical water circulation can prevent stratifica-tion and provide more dissolved oxygen near pond bottoms

Overview: Mechanical Pond Aeration
Overview: Mechanical Pond Aeration

Productivity increases in aquaculture ponds in re-sponse to nutrient inputs of fertilizer and feed. These in-puts, however, increase the demand for oxygen

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