Hydroponics Calculator

N (NO3-)
[[ fn.round(frmResult.concTargets.N_NO3, 3) ]]
N (NH4+)
[[ fn.round(frmResult.concTargets.N_NH4, 3) ]]
[[ fn.round(frmResult.concTargets.P, 3) ]]
[[ fn.round(frmResult.concTargets.K, 3) ]]
[[ fn.round(frmResult.concTargets.Mg, 3) ]]
[[ fn.round(frmResult.concTargets.Ca, 3) ]]
[[ fn.round(frmResult.concTargets.S, 3) ]]
[[ fn.round(frmResult.concTargets.Fe, 3) ]]
[[ fn.round(frmResult.concTargets.Zn, 3) ]]
[[ fn.round(frmResult.concTargets.B, 3) ]]
[[ fn.round(frmResult.concTargets.Mn, 3) ]]
[[ fn.round(frmResult.concTargets.Cu, 3) ]]
[[ fn.round(frmResult.concTargets.Mo, 3) ]]
[[ fn.round(frmResult.concTargets.Na, 3) ]]
[[ fn.round(frmResult.concTargets.Si, 3) ]]
[[ fn.round(frmResult.concTargets.Cl, 3) ]]
Your formulation


Substance Name Formula Mass (g) Preparation Cost
[[ s.Name ]] [[ s.Formula ]] [[ fn.round(frmResult.solutions[i], 3) | number ]] [[ fn.round(frmResult.cost[i], 3) | number ]]
Total Cost is [[ fn.round(frmResult.totalCost, 2) | number ]]
Element Results (ppm) Gross Error Instrumental Error
[[ name ]] [[ fn.round(frmResult.concTargets[i], 3) ]] [[ fn.round(frmResult.grossError[i], 1) ]]% +/-[[ fn.round(frmResult.instrumentalError[i], 1) ]]%

Values calculated for the preparation of [[ frmData.volume ]] [[ volumeUnits[frmData.volumeUnit] ]] of A and [[ frmData.volume ]] [[ volumeUnits[frmData.volumeUnit] ]] of B solution. Please use [[ 1000/frmData.concVolume |number ]] mL of A and B within every Liter of final solution

Values calculated for the preparation of [[ frmResult.volume | number ]] lites

Predicted EC Value: EC=[[ frmResult.ec ]] mS/cm

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Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture, the method of growing plants without soil, using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent. Terrestrial plants may be grown with only their roots exposed to the mineral solution, or the roots may be supported by an inert medium, such as perlite or gravel. Formulating one’s own nutrient solution should be left to advanced growers. Any mistake could lead to the loss of the whole crop, unless the mistake can be identified early, in which case the nutrient solution in the tank is lost.

Hydroponics Calculator is a online web app version of HydroBuddy - a powerful program for the calculation of nutrient solutions for hydroponics and general agriculture.

These are brief of Hydroponics Calculator features.

- Calculates the weights of specific substances needed to arrive at specified concentrations of different elements.
- Easily fine tune your salt weights after calculations.
- Calculations in ppm, mmol/L, mol/L and meq/L.
- Calculate liquid additions in mL and add any custom substances as liquids.
- Edit the percentage elemental composition of each substance or add new ones to fit your needs.
- Allows to get the concentration values for the addition of a certain specified amount of substances.
- Easy to use interface for the addition, edition and assignation of substances to calculations.
- EC prediction module based on an empirical mathematical modification of a calculation based on limiting molar conductivities.
- Use the resulting weights of a formulation calculation to perform a calculation of the opposite nature and vice versa.
- Calculations for both direct additions and A+B concentrated solutions.