Agrinews Bac Giang well prepares condition for lychee consumption

Bac Giang well prepares condition for lychee consumption

Author Reporter, publish date Monday. June 21st, 2021

Bac Giang well prepares condition for lychee consumption

The lychee growing localities in the northern province have prepared conditions to promote the lychee consumption in 2021 season.

The orchard of early ripen lychee to export to Japan in Quat Du village, Phuc Hoa commune. 

Luc Nam plans to export more than 50 tonnes of lychee to Japan

This year, Luc Nam district was granted a growing area code for lychee to export to Japan which cover more than 10.5 ha in Binh Giang village, Binh Son commune with 31 participating households. As the schedule, the locality will export over 50 tonnes of fresh lychee.

To encourage the production, the district provided 31 participating households with 50 percent of the cost for plant protection product, 100 percent of the containers to keep the package of used plant protection product, 100 percent of the charge for analyzing the sample product before harvest time.

Now, the lychee growing area to export to Japan has been regularly inspected and supervised with cultivation record to ensure export standard. The result will help found a tight linkage chain in production and consumption of export product to increase the lychee quality and value.

Luc Ngan boosts up selling lychee on e-commerce platform

People’s Committee in Luc Ngan district has coordinated with Integrated Stars Logistics Company to operate e-commerce platform of Luc Ngan lychee in 2021 ( with the participation from enterprises, cooperatives and lychee growers in the district.

To ensure an effective operation, the district People’s Committee has collaborated and provided a general course about e-commerce platform of Luc Ngan lychee, skills of management and supervision over frozen preservation of canned farm products, multimodal transport, export to potential markets of China, EU, officials at farmers’ associations in communes, towns and members of cooperatives, traders in charge of producing, processing and selling farm produce in the district.

Opened in late 2020, the e-commerce platform has been completed the electronic technical update to introduce signature products and farm produce in Luc Ngan district including lychee on the platform.

The basic information about origin, product image and posted on the platform by the orchard, cooperative and enterprise to react to customers, helping approach the domestic and foreign customers via promotion method with linkage to e-commerce platforms, such as Alibaba, Taobao, 1688 (China); Rakuten (Japan); Amazon, Ebay, Bestbuy (US, Canada), Tiki, Shopee, Lazada… and other international farm produce forums.

Tan Yen prepares condition to export lychee to Japan

Now it is coming to the harvest season of early ripen lychee in Tan Yen district. This year, the district has more than 1,300 ha of lychee with estimated output of 13,800 tonnes of fruits including over 1,200 ha of early ripen lychee, 15 ha of lychee to export to Japan in Quat Du and Phuc Le villages.

The district People’s Committee plans to organize a ceremony to export about 5 containers of Tan Yen early ripen lychee to Japan in May 26 at Luong Van Nam Square with the joint collaboration of Chanh Thu Fruit Import Export Company Limited, Ameii Vietnam Joint Stock Company, Toan Cau Food Import Export Joint Stock Company...As schedule, Chanh Thu Fruit Import Export Company Limited will be the first to depart.

To date, the businesses have surveyed the growing areas, negotiated and inked the buying contracts to the farmers in the localities with growing area codes while joining hands with Toan Cau Food Import Export Joint Stock Company to preliminary process, preserve, steam and sterilize the lychee.

All the utilities of foam boxes, ice bars, storage, power, package facilities... are ready for the main season. Particularly, Phuc Hoa commune has 20 weighting points whose owners are instructed to apply Covid-19 preventive measures during transaction.

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