Plant Growing Roses from Collected Seeds

Growing Roses from Collected Seeds

Author Gardening Channel, publish date Monday. August 21st, 2017

Growing Roses from Collected Seeds

Roses are probably the most popular flower grown by organic gardeners, given their beauty, scent, and hardiness. However, all too often we ignore the opportunity to take advantage of a simple method of propagation, opting instead to cut their flowers and put them in vases.

A bit of restraint and patience can result in tons of seeds that will allow you to propagate your roses for next to nothing. Or, if you’re looking for an interesting hobby, to hybridize your own new varieties. Many famous rose cultivars have come from the gardens of amateur breeders.


Most roses will go to seed naturally, given the opportunity. Let them. What you’ll end up with is a large bulge behind the flower that, after about four months, will turn orange. This is essentially an ovary, better known as a rose hip.

Collect it and cut it open, and you’ll find that it’s packed with seeds. Remove them from the flesh, clean them and dry them to prevent mold, and store them for planting during the next available season. If you put them in a plastic baggie and keep them in your refrigerator’s vegetable crisper, they’ll be just fine.

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