Agrinews To ensure water supply for production in the dry season

To ensure water supply for production in the dry season

Author Quynh Nhien – Translated by Ngoc Huynh, publish date Tuesday. April 10th, 2018

To ensure water supply for production in the dry season

At present, most agricultural production areas in the province have synchronous irrigation system, so the area of ​​rice and vegetables are watered sufficiently and timely. However, this time is the peak of dry season, the risk of drought and saltwater intrusion is very high.

Because all levels and departments in the province have actively implemented anti-drought and salinization measures, this time the irrigation water for agricultural production areas in the dry season in 2018 is still guaranteed.

To be active in irrigation water source

Currently, in provincial agricultural production areas, irrigation system has been synchronously invested with 35 irrigation works; total irrigation capacity was designed for over 6,500 hectares, drainage for over 10,000 hectares and does anti-flood function at the same time. According to Irrigation branch office, the survey of water level in provincial reservoirs at the end of February showed that Can Nom water level was 14.67 m, which was 0.13 m lower than the normal water level; Da Ban 36.28m, lower than normal water level rise 0.32m; Doc Nhan 24.68 m, lower than normal water level 0.82 m; Suoi Giai 61.3m, lower than the normal water level of 0.7m. With the above mentioned water level, reservoirs in the province are able to ensure sufficient water for winter-spring crop production 2017 - 2018 and summer-autumn crop 2018. However, when the drought lasts, the water in fields and reservoirs will evaporate much, probably not enough water for summer-autumn crop without using water-saving irrigation.

Ngo Van Tuyen, Head of North Tan Uyen irrigation station, said that the station was managing 2 reservoirs, 6 pumping stations and 1 spillway to supply water to farmers in the district. At the beginning of this year dry season, the station carried out inspection and handled malfunctions of irrigation works, focused on repairing, dredging canals, exploiting and using water rationally and economically; At the same time, closely collaborated with the electricity industry to closely monitor electricity outages in order to work out appropriately irrigation pumping plan to ensure water supply for the plants. The station also planned, budgeted for dredging irrigation works for production in 2018 with over VND609 million; Estimated electricity expense for anti-drought is more than VND233 billion.

In Di An Township, there are only a few areas under seasonal crops in Tan Binh ward, mainly irrigated by rainwater and stored water. Therefore, this year dry season does not significantly affect agricultural production in the town. In Dau Tieng District, the District People's Committee has developed a plan to prevent and combat drought and salinization in the dry season 2018 and has directed communes and towns to implement measures to prevent drought such as economical irrigation, moisturizing plants at the beginning of the dry season by composting straws, leaves around plant roots... The district has also deployed the management and operation of Ben Trong and Bau Sen pump station to ensure the winter-spring crop; At the same time, to inspect and evaluate the water supply for production and daily life in areas, where water is often dehydrated in the dry season.

Nguyen Khanh Truong, Director of Irrigation branch office, said that in general, the prevention of drought in the dry season 2018 was paid attention by localities and units managing irrigation works. It is expected that the branch office will conduct drought situation and prevention in dry season 2018 at the end of March. Accordingly, units conduct inspection of drought situation, current irrigation sources, water supply for daily life; the implementation of national standards of management and operation of irrigation works; management, regulation of irrigation water and irrigation results of irrigation works...

Do not overlook

On 9th March, a survey at Lai Thieu (Thuan An Town) showed that the highest salinity was 0.1 ‰, much lower compared with the same time in 2017. However, it is now the peak of dry season, saltwater intrusion could still happen in this area. As a result, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development issued a document to guide the plan setting and measure implementing to prevent salinization in the dry season 2018.

Accordingly, in areas having high risk of saltwater intrusion in the low-lying communes along Saigon River of Thuan An Town, Ben Cat Town and Thu Dau Mot City, units and people can use tide of rivers and canals for irrigation. Functional branches and localities should apply measures to encourage people to concentrate on cultivating winter-spring crop 2017-2018; Select varieties that are resistant to salinity, use water-shorted plants, planting in accordance with weather conditions, etc., to prevent river water source to be early salinized.

For areas with water constraints and frequent droughts such as Tam Lap Commune (Phu Giao District), Dinh An Commune (Dau Tieng District), Hieu Liem Commune and Tan Dinh Commune (North Tan Uyen District), Department of Agriculture and Rural Development proposed to prioritize the settlement of daily water for people, drinking water for cattle; inspect and review the water supply capability of clean water supply projects, to take measures to promptly repair damages and combat losses of water sources, ensure the continuous operation, meeting people demand for clean water. Localities should organize propaganda and guidance on mass media so that all people can raise their sense of economical using water for daily life in the dry season; To mobilize people to participate in clearing waterways, dredging inland canals and water intakes, ensuring the flow of water to fields.

Provincial People's Committee issued Directive No. 24 / CT-UBND on strengthening measures to prevent drought, salinization and forest fire in the dry season 2018. Accordingly, it was forecasted that the rainfall in March and April 2018 would be higher than the average for many years, due to the possibility of opposite rain; the temperature of the province from November 2017 to April 2018 would be equal to or higher than the average of many years from 0.3 to 0.50C; The highest temperature from March 2018 to April 2018 would be from 36 - 380C. To actively prevent drought, salinization and minimize the damages, Chairman of provincial People's Committee asked departments, sectors and Chairman of People's Committee of districts, towns and city to implement urgent measures to prevent and combat drought, saltwater intrusion and forest fire prevention in the dry season 2018; At the same time, propagate and guide to raise people's sense of thrifty use of water, keeping clean water sources... to limit the pollution of water sources; regularly informing local people of the situation of drought and salinization to actively prepare irrigation facilities for production in the dry season.

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